In the summer of 1985 I attended two family reunions (Eckermann and Pawlik). I noticed a couple of things at both of these reunions:
- Except for the eldest generation, no one really understood how everyone was related.
- Nothing was written down.
So I started to write down what I could find. Along the way I discovered that while pen and paper might seem to be the appropriate medium for genealogy, it is really a natural for computer databases. So this work began. Here you will find my results so far. A few important notes:
- I started with Lynné and myself and have gone backwards as far as I can.
- For U.S. immigrant ancestors, I am working to go forward as much as I can. Hence trying to record all descendants of each immigrant ancestor.
- I include all spouses, and parents of spouses to help uniquely identify the spouse. But only in some cases have I recorded siblings of spouses.
- Other than names, I do not display here information for living individuals.
If you are related and would like to add your family’s information to the family tree, please contact me.