Are there special foods your family eats on New Year’s Day? Each year my family covers the bases by eating several foods thought to bring good luck in the New Year.
First is Black Eyed Peas and Corn Bread. I was told growing up the more Black Eyed Peas you eat on New Year’s Day, the more money that will come your way in the New Year.
Next, from my German and Polish side, Sauerkraut and Pork or Pork Sausage was thought to bring good luck in the New Year. Cabbage could also be served instead of the Sauerkraut. My dad also ate Pickled Herring or sardines, but I could never get into that one.
And living in Texas, we add a few more. On the menu will also be Tamales and Chili. Both are thought to bring good luck in the New Year.
What food traditions does your family follow on New Year’s Day?